Every Student Should Be Given the Opportunity to Teach Others

Every Student Should Be Given the Opportunity to Teach Others

One of the best ways we learn is by teaching others. By playing the role of the teacher, students demonstrate understanding and learn about instructional design, delivery, and presentation. They begin to reflect on the learning process, because they will know if their peers learned the material or not. Unfortunately, we don’t have enough time in the classroom for students to teach lessons. This is why in my new book, Hacking Digital Learning Strategies: 10 Ways to Launch EdTech Missions in Your Classroom, one of the missions is for students to create a video walkthrough or tutorial. Find out more in my previous post, Tools and Resources to Get Students to Create Instructional Videos. Join us every Sunday on Twitter for the #EdtechMissions chat (10am to 10:30amET; click for more time zones) where we share ideas and resources.

cross posted at teacherrebootcamp.com

Shelly Terrell is an education consultant, technology trainer, and author. Read more at teacherrebootcamp.com.

Shelly Terrell is an education consultant, technology trainer, and author. Read more at teacherrebootcamp.com