ISTE Highlights: Keynote Smackdown #ISTE2016

ISTE Highlights: Keynote Smackdown #ISTE2016

I was honored to take part in the ISTE Keynote Smackdown along with Kasey Bell, Alec Couros, Hall Davidson, Sherri Spelic, Carl Hooker, James Kapptie, and Juanita Hines at the ISTE convention in Denver, Colorado. Each of the 8 presenters were chosen from hundreds of educators worldwide to do a 4 minute keynote to an audience of 100 plus. I have given several keynotes in over 20 countries, but I’ve never delivered a 4 minute keynote. It is extremely tough, but each of the keynotes from the US, Canada, and Austria did a great job even with a few technical difficulties. I really enjoyed how different each keynote was and that some of the presenters engage the audience with activities. You can catch the last 4 keynotes in the Periscope video below. Unfortunately, I was in the first group and couldn’t Periscope it.

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Shelly Terrell is an education consultant, technology trainer, and author. Read more at

Shelly Terrell is an education consultant, technology trainer, and author. Read more at