Utah State Board of Education Approves Lexia Reading Core5

Utah State Board of Education Approves Lexia Reading Core5

Lexia Learning, a Rosetta Stone Inc. (NYSE: RST) Company, today announced that Lexia Reading Core5® has been named by the Utah State Board of Education (USBE) as an approved provider of early interactive reading software for literacy instruction and assessment for grades K–3.

Out of the 14 literacy programs submitted to the USBE for consideration, Core5 is one of only four products to be approved.

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The news of being named a preferred vendor comes after a recently released report showing that students in Utah who were using Lexia Reading Core5® during the 2016-17 school year realized literacy gains.

Released by the USBE for the Early Intervention Software Program grant (EISP), the report shows students with strong performance in Core5 also had increased gains in The Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills (DIBELS®) Next. DIBELS Next is a set of procedures and measures for assessing the acquisition of early literacy skills for students in kindergarten through sixth grade.The Evaluation and Training Institute (ETI), which conducted the report, also found that students using Core5 in grades K-1 experienced significantly accelerated reading growth compared to the control group.

For more information, visit https://www.lexialearning.com/utah.