100-Day Presidential Challenge

The 100-Day Presidential Challenge online educational debate and high school scholarship contest, sponosored by Now Debate This and the National Forensic League Speech and Debate Honor Society, will award $500 for the best energy solution proposal from a high school student. Here are details:

Award: $5,000 in clean technology for the winners' school or organization, and an opportunity to share their ideas with national experts, including members of President-elect Obama's cabinet, Congress and the energy industry.

Description: High school students willing to participate will be asked to research their communities' biggest energy problems and develop Energy Solution Proposals that can be implemented at local levels. Contestants will need to create a timeline with background information, and develop economic and feasible plans to resolve the energy problems. Entries will be judged on "creativity, historical research and analysis, the written proposal and accompanying video, documentation and feasibility." The competition falls in line with the Now Debate This 2009 program theme: "How can the US achieve energy independence?"

Deadline: The contest begins January 20th and ends April 30th. Winners will be announced in May.