Access Database on a Macintosh

Question: How can I view and use an Access database on a Macintosh computer?

The IT Guy says:
You have several options. If you are using an OS X Macintosh computer, you can use the free program from Microsoft “Remote Desktop Client for Macintosh” to remotely connect to a WindowsXP computer (with remote access enabled for your user-ID) that has the desired Access file on it or is accessible via the network. The computer you access remotely will obviously need to have MS Access installed on it.

If you want to directly open the databse on your Macintosh computer, you can download a free version of Open Office and use its BASE database program to open and use Access files.

A third choice is to have someone (or yourself) export the data from the Access database as a delimited text file. You can then open and manipulate that data in a Macintosh compatible spreadsheet program like Excel, or a Macintosh compatible database program like Filemaker Pro.

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