How can educators leverage the power of personalization?

How can educators leverage the power of personalization?

I find it interesting when I see the Pope joining Twitter as a way to reach out. This follows a week that offered an interactive Twitter town hall with the President on the newest version of Y2K, #my2k. It’s not new that leaders turn to the media for mass communication, but what makes it different today is that it comes in both directions. If you do not get the message you want, you can broadcast your own. Leaders want you to feel that they are connecting to you as an individual. This can be difficult to do as a leader of a nation--or of a classroom. Sometimes the restraints put on us in a school, such as the amount of time or the number of voices, prevent us from hearing those we influence so that we can adapt to meet their needs. We have platforms to broadcast to our masses, but how do they connect back to us? Listening to your audience and indicating that you received, understood, and are willing to consider their messages are the keys to empowering your followers. If world leaders are turning to technology to connect and hear from those they lead, what can you do in your educational setting to do the same? How can you leverage the power of personalization?

T&L Advisor Henry Thiele is the Chief Technology Officer for District 207 in Park Ridge, IL.