Assessment and Mobile Learning Questions

Technology can play a critical role in the learning process. Here are some questions about assessment and mobile learning to think about as you plan for your mobile learning.

Who/ What will assess the students’ mobile learning?
A) the same mobile app that the student worked on
B) a different mobile app
C) the teacher corrects a paper and pencil quiz
D) an online program evaluates learning
E) the teacher assesses the students’ paper, presentation or project that incorporates learning from the mobile device
F) some one in the class, school, or another school assesses the learning.
G) some one outside the school, from the community, an organization, etc. assesses the learning.
H) the students self-evaluate and reflect on how to improve

Will the assessment be?
A) summative ( a final grade)
B) formative with specific feedback and an opportunity for improvement

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Harry Grover Tuttle teaches English and Spanish college courses at Onondaga Community College and blogs at Education with Technology. He is also the author of several books on formative assessment and the new ebook 90 Mobile Learning Modern Language Activities.