Colorado District Outfits All Classrooms with Interactive Projectors

The Ignacio (CO) School District 11-JT will install the MimioProjector™ interactive projector in all 75 classrooms district–wide, as new schools are being built during the next two years.

The MimioProjector device includes built-in tracking technology, a stereo amplifier, speakers, and MimioStudio™ classroom software. Teachers can create multimedia lessons and then display those lessons, graphics, and images on a dry- erase board or any other flat surface. An accompanying pen or stylus allows users to manipulate MimioStudio software’s projected images. Dual-pen operations allow two students to simultaneously interact with the same projected image.

“There are many reasons why we like the MimioProjector – it’s easy to use, it brings multimedia functionality to teachers’ lessons, and it’s affordable. I can outfit several classrooms for the price of just one of their competitors’ systems,” said Brian Crane, technology director for the Ignacio School District. “It’s that ‘you know it when you see it factor,’ where interactivity is going to enhance the lessons – they come alive. Students won’t just be talked at; they will be participating, collaborating, and learning at a much higher level. It’s going to provide real excitement when the schools open in the fall.”