K12 STEM Competition opens 19th year

Applications for the Toshiba/National Science Teachers Association ExploraVision Awards Program competition will be available online starting August 30 and are due by February 2, 2011.

The ExploraVision program, sponsored by Toshiba and administered by the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA), challenges teams of 2-4 students to research scientific principles and current technologies as the basis for designing innovative technologies that could exist in 20 years.

Students on the four first-place ExploraVision winning teams will each receive a $10,000 U.S. Series EE Savings Bond valued at maturity. Students on second-place teams will each receive a $5,000 bond valued at maturity.

Teachers can learn more about ExploraVision and how to use it as a tool in the classroom through a series of Web Seminars at The NSTA Learning Center starting Wednesday, September 15, 2010.

For more information visit www.exploravision.org