Today's Newsletter: TL Advisor Chris Lehmann Honored

Big congratulations go out to Tech&Learning advisor Chris Lehmann, who was awarded this year’s ISTE Outstanding Leader Award! Chris is the founding principal of the Science Leadership Academy, an inquiry-driven, project-based, one-to-one laptop science and technology high school in Philadelphia. This honor, which goes to a leader outside of the classroom, recognizes outstanding achievement and leadership in implementing technology to improve education. You can read his most recent work for us here , here, and here. He has also spoken at several of our Tech Forums and will be participating in our upcoming School CIO Summitin San Antonio right before ISTE. He also lets the editors hang out with all the edtech cool kids at his Educon event in Philly each year, where we learn what’s out there on the cutting edge in regards to schools and tech. Congrats again Chris! —Kevin Hogan, Editorial Director