Automated Essay Grading and Blackboard: Reader Response

A reader posed the following question last August. “Is there any essay test question software out there that allows automatic comparison and grading of a Blackboard essay question against a reference document?”

I was unable to find a specific add-on module for essay grading. Even staff at Blackboard did not know of one, so I asked readers for their assistance. Here is a reply I received from Dr. Heinz Dreher.

“A research team at Curtin University of Technology in Perth Western Australia have developed an AEG system called MarkIT which is now in the early stages of commercialization. In principle, MarkIT can be embedded in any LMS, and development to embed it in Curtin's LMS (Blackboard) is in progress. Interested readers may visit MarkIT and inform themselves about the research to date, look at the videoclip, and explore the 'demo'. The development team can be contacted via the Website.”

Submitted by:Heinz Dreher

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