CoSN2020 To Become A Virtual Conference

CoSN 2020
(Image credit: CoSN)

From CoSN:

Last night, the CoSN Board made the decision to transform CoSN2020 to a virtual conference, CoSN2020: A Breakthrough Virtual Experience. Transitioning the conference to a virtual setting was a complex decision. First and foremost, this was done with consideration for our registrants’ safety based on official health recommendations and the newly established District of Columbia health guidance. And second, it was based on the understanding of what school system leaders are facing in their own community, including preparation for e-Learning, endless meetings, and local district policies restricting travel.

The virtual experience will begin next week with a General Session keynote speakers kicking it off with as previously scheduled sessions at 1:00pm ET:

Monday, March 16Ensuring that Technology Enables Learning Rather than District From It with James Williams

Tuesday, March 17: Lead Where You Are with Dr. Joe Sanfelippo

Wednesday, March 18: Building Technology from the Human Out with Amber Case

The experience continues May 19-21 with the full virtual conference that will mirror our previously planned in-person event -- but now from the comfort of your own desk! No travel required. We will be sending out links next week, prior to each session and more details in the coming days on the May event.