Creating Science Technology Specialists

There is one district here that is especially gets the idea St. Joseph, Missouri. They have a long-term plan to include technology into the whole district that involves an emphasis on training. The reason that I think it is working is that the Technology Director is a visionary who is willing to listen to educators and is respected by the Superintendent. Time will tell if it works well...

The thing that impressed me is that they are sending their science specialists to technology training so that their two goals of improving science learning and integrating technology can work together rather than being two separate initiatives working in competition. (I see this in SO many places!) Right now, they are putting technology and training into the 3rd and 4th grades because that is the first grade that has state testing. They have one full time person to learn from our project about the Professional Development and also to make regular classroom visits. They have a vision for increasing this in the future.

Submitted by:Janice Friesen
Area Instructional Specialist, Missouri; MOREnet, The eMINTS Project

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