Illinois District, Washington School Pick Hitachi StarBoard

Western Springs (IL) School District 101 has chosen Hitachi Software FXDUO-77 StarBoard interactive whiteboards and Hitachi CP-A100 3LCD projector as part of the Hitachi CP-A100+FXDUO bundle.

Purchased through Troxell Communications, the StarBoards have been particularly popular at the elementary level where teachers are utilizing them in all major subject areas.

Western Springs has planned to purchase additional Hitachi CP-A100+FXDUO bundles over the next two years. “Currently, we have 20 of the bundles, and we distributed five to each school in the district,” says Damon O’Hare, district technology coordinator. “The ultimate goal is to have one in every classroom in our district, and we will continue to work toward that.”

Kamiakin High School in Kennewick, WA, also has purchased the Hitachi FXDUO-77 model StarBoard. Jenny Byrd, a mathematics teacher at Kamiakin, is utilizing the StarBoard in all of her classes.

“Typically I have notes including pictures, definitions, examples and practice problems that I display onto my board,” Byrd says. “The Hitachi interactive whiteboard improves what I have previously done in many ways. I love that when I move on to the next page, the board has saved my work on the prior page. This allows me to switch back and forth to the example problem if the students are struggling on a practice problem.”