
from Technology & Learning

One of the best parts about the business of technology journalism is that there is always something new to write about: some gadget promising to revolutionize or some software ready to reinvent the way we do things. Even stuff now relatively old—remember that "information superhighway"?—continues to deliver new ideas and innovations to cover.

What gives an article or story real appeal, however, is not the technology itself but how people use it. Since 1980, Technology & Learning has achieved both endeavors—not only reporting on that next big thing in ed tech but also explaining how educators can use it to their advantage, from the classroom to the superintendent's office.

As the new editorial director for the Technology & Learning Group, which includes this magazine, our Web site, and our face-to-face Tech Forum events, I intend to build on that tradition. You will notice some changes in this and future issues as we stay ahead of the ever-changing ed tech landscape. Also, look for to become even more of an online complement to what is printed here each month. Our Web table of contents will guide you through the additional resources that can't fit in these pages.

Two requests for you, gentle reader—tell us your story and give us your opinion. Join the online discussions with our impressive community of edubloggers. Describe details of your successes and even your failures, which usually make for the best tales.

Also, what sort of new things do you want to see in our pages or on our Web site? What are we doing right? What are we doing wrong? Go ahead, I can take it. Send me a note at and let me know. I look forward to the conversation.

Kevin Hogan
Editorial Director