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Feature:How To Take Notes Online

Teachers can improve the note-taking skills of students by either modifying their presentation during lectures or teaching students how to use note-taking techniques. Now, thanks to several new Web sites, students may take notes at the computer and store them online, a practice with several definite advantages.

First, students could end up with better notes . Second, they could share notes more easily, simply by providing others with the URL at which their notes are stored. Third, they could get better organized. Fourth, their notes could be more legible.

There are a number of other wonderful sites for online note taking to explore. All of these ‘store’ the notes ‘in Cyberspace’ (okay, on a server) and allow the user to access them from any computer with Internet connectivity:

    A free online program lets learners take notes, review them later, and share them with friends. It can be used to record what you learn from online lectures, take reading notes, or study for upcoming exams.
  2. ShortText
    Fill in your text, click save, and you’ve got yourself a permanent URL to a text note, which is then available from any Web-enabled computer. This Web 2.0 site includes private pages as well.
  3. Yahoo! Notepad
    Yahoo! Notepad, which also offers anywhere, anyplace, anytime access to your notes, is very simple to use.
  4. Google Desktop Scratch Pad
    is one of the many “Google Gadgets, so you will have to look carefully for it among all the other ‘toys’ on this page. But it does allow on-the-fly note-taking, as it saves automatically.
  5. WebNote
    Another example of Web 2.0 and its anytime anywhere nature, the site permits you to take notes and later access them as they are stored on the WebNote server rather than on an easily-misplaced scrap of paper.
  6. Jot Cloud
    Also Web 2.0, the site’s slogan is “Sticky Notes for the Web.”

Email:Julia VanderMolen