Teachable Moments

You never know when there will be a “teachable moment” for teachers and students. Someone may ask a particular question that opens up discussions. Note that teachable moments:

  • Teach thinking skills without adding on to the curriculum.
  • Seek alternative perspectives.
  • Help students interact with others when issues arrive.
  • Develop deeper understanding of the concept being taught.
  • Invite investigation and encourage critical thinking.

I remember some of my best “teachable moments” were in the hall when a student stopped me to ask a question. You don’t want to stop this questioning. Take the question back to the class!

The same thing happens when you are working with teachers. Say a teacher you are coaching asks a question off subject that encourages deeper and thoughtful thinking. Go for it!

  • Create a discussion board topic so this teacher can share ideas with other teachers.
  • Show them how to create a blog so they can reflect on this issue in depth.

Over time, allowing teachers and students to grab a “teachable moment” encourages them to take ownership of the questions they ask of a particular topic and of their learning.

Submitted by:Barbara Bray

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