T&L News(62)

  • A Salute to Kyrene’s Technology Program
    The Kyrene (AZ) School District was recently named a National School Boards Association Salute District in recognition of its efforts to increase student achievement through developing technology-infused curricula.
  • Illinois Joins Laptop Program Ranks
    The Illinois General Assembly has appropriated $5 million to launch the Technology Immersion Pilot Project, providing a one-to-one technology learning program to seven school districts across the state.
  • Cyber-Blended Learning
    More cyber schools are offering students the best of both worlds – online learning and the flexibility it allows combined with in-person classes that provide social interaction.
  • Fighting Truancy the High-Tech Way
    Scottish school authorities are using an automated system to alert parents to unexplained school absences, sending real-time text messages to parents’ cell phones.
  • Distributed Computing on the PS3
    Sony is working with Stanford University's Folding@home project to harness it new PS3 technology to help study how proteins are formed in the human body and how they sometimes form incorrectly.