Trouble-shooting Flowcharts

With the addition of several mobile labs, the amount of equipment we now have on-site has outgrown the limited technical support that's available. Hiring more staff is not an option. How can I empower teachers and students to take more responsibility for basic trouble-shooting?

Trouble-shooting training is first and foremost, but then you need to provide some form of on-going support for your fledgling trouble-shooters. Tip sheets are helpful; however, non-technicians often need even more basic information.

Talk with your technician or the person who provides the initial training. Suggest that in addition to tip sheets, you'd also like to make flowcharts available that staff and students can use to walk themselves through specific steps for basic tasks.

Flowcharts can be created using Inspiration, Gliffy, or other concept mapping tools. They're more work to create than a tip sheet, but the payoff will be more confident end-users.

Submitted by: Susan Brooks-Young

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