Voyager Sopris Learning’s LETRS Solution Earns Accreditation from International Dyslexia Association

Man reads with kids on floor of library
(Image credit: iStock/Wavebreakmedia)

Cambium Learning Group’s Voyager Sopris Learning today announced that LETRS (Language Essentials for Teachers of Reading and Spelling), the company’s professional learning on language and literacy skills, has earned accreditation from the International Dyslexia Association (IDA).

Authored by Dr. Louisa C. Moats and Dr. Carol A. Tolman, LETRS for elementary school teachers is backed by more than 30 years of evidence-based, scientific research.

“Earning this accreditation from IDA is a great honor for us because we so consciously tried to align LETRS with the IDA Knowledge and Practice Standards for Teachers of Reading,” Dr. Moats said. “We now have independent validation that we succeeded.”

Topics covered include knowledge of the structure of language, knowledge of dyslexia and other learning disorders, and understanding of how to teach young readers the basics of phonics and word recognition.

IDA’s Program Accreditation initiative is guided by four main principles:

  1. Prioritize the interests of K–12 students above all else;
  2. Embrace diverse models of educator preparation;
  3. Maximize student impact through innovative partnerships designed to advance improved educator preparation practices in reading; and
  4. Commit to a growth-oriented mindset.

Neither a curriculum nor a program, the LETRS course of study focuses on preparing PreK–3 teachers with the essential skills for diagnosing reading issues, prescribing evidence-based strategies and assessing the effectiveness of the instruction provided to support all students. The newest version of LETRS includes online instructional videos, journaling and processing activities as educators build background and a common understanding of comprehensive reading instruction.