Web-based Word Processors

Have you ever worked on a computer that didn’t have a word processor? How about using a Web-based word processor? Zoho Writer's "Online Word Processor" provides all the tools you need to write and Email your document to yourself or save it in your online document folder. Try it as a demo user or sign up for free. Start a new document or choose from My Docs, My Templates or Shared documents. If you are a demo user, you can see new documents created on the left navigation by others who are trying the program. Click New for a blank file or Import text from another word processor into Zoho Writer. It has the same features as most word processors: i.e. cut, copy, paste, undo, font types, and size. Save your work as either document or template, and preview before you save. Click the link icon to add a link to a Website. Insert a table, check spelling, change the font styles, add an image, find and replace, add an emoticon, and toggle HTML source code. Align text, add bullets and numbers, indent, and format the text. Zoho Writer not only lets you create your own documents but also allows you to share your document to collaborate with others. You give permission for your friends to read only or read and write on your document.

Submitted by:
Barbara Bray
President, My eCoach
Oakland, CA

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