What's New(3)


Presentation Tools

PLUS Vision offers the M-Series electronic copyboards, which allow information written on a whiteboard-like surface to be printed on plain paper or downloaded to a memory card. Both the M-10S model, measuring 36Ó x 51Ó, and the M-10W model, measuring 36Ó x 71Ó, feature two interchangeable writing surfaces and USB-connectivity for Hewlett-PackardÃcompatible printers. Prices start at $1,795.

PLUS Vision, 9610 SW Sunshine Court, Ste. 800, Beaverton, OR 97005; (800) 211-9001; www.plus-america.com


The Mirapoint Message Server provides Web and wireless access with integrated antivirus, antispam, content filtering, and AUP enforcement features. New Outlook SynQ allows users to integrate Microsoft Outlook calendaring, address book, and task list functions with the Mirapoint server.

Mirapoint, 909 Hermosa Ct., Sunnyvale, CA 94085; (800) 937-8118; www.mirapoint.com

Productivity Suites

Max's Sandbox, a junior version of Microsoft Office from eWord Development, includes colorful, kid-friendly versions of Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. The software for KÃ4 students and special needs children can be used across the curriculum. $46.95; lab packs and site licenses are available.

eWord Development, 37 Angas St., Adelaide, South Australia 5000; 0011-61-88112-3400; www.maxssandbox.com


Inspiration Software has announced volume licenses for its four visual learning lesson plan books. Schools receive a CD-ROM of Inspiration in Science, Inspiration in Language Arts, Achieving Standards with Inspiration 7, and Kidspiration Activity Book in PDF format; pages can be shared via the intranet, local server, or by printing the documents. $109; multicomputer licenses are available.

Inspiration Software, 7412 SW Beaverton Hillsdale Hwy., Ste. 102, Portland, OR 97225; (800) 877-4292; www.inspiration.com

Dates & Events

October 14Ã18: 21st Annual Closing the Gap Conference, Minneapolis, Minn. www.closingthegap.com/conf

October 15Ã17: Co-necting to Kids Conference, Atlanta, Ga. www.co-nectingtokids.net

October 16Ã18: ASCD Conference on Teaching and Learning, Philadelphia, Penn. www.ascd.org/pd

October 22Ã24: NSBA T+L2: Leading Learning to a Higher Level, Anaheim, Calif. www.nsba.org/T+L

October 22Ã25: International Student Media Festival, Anaheim, Calif. www.aect.org

October 27Ã30: O'Reilly Mac OS X Conference, Santa Clara, Calif. conferences.oreillynet.com/macosx2003

Read other articles from the October Issue