New Survey Reveals Significant Growth in EdTech

New Survey Reveals Significant Growth in EdTech

According to a new survey from the Education Technology Industry Network (ETIN) of the Software & Information Industry Association (SIIA), collected data from 144 PreK-12 service providers and publishers and found a significant increase in the edtech market for this age group—from $7.9 billion to $8.38 billion. Online Course revenue grew 320 percent and the largest market segment, at $2.5 billion, was Testing and Assessment. “The rapid growth of the testing and assessment market will slow, but remain an important area of investment in school districts and states. Digital assessments and interest in personalized learning contribute to this growing market,” said CS4Ed president John Richards, Ph.D., the principal author of the report. “There was a substantial investment in infrastructure. We attribute this to increased hardware in schools from district investment, BYOD, and preparation for digital common core assessments.”