Seeing RED at ISTE : The Latest Edtech Findings

Seeing RED at ISTE : The Latest Edtech Findings

How can technology help re-engineer our education system? Project RED, a national research and advocacy plan, is seeking to answer this question through its large-scale national studies. Its 2010 survey of 1,000 schools focused on academic results and the financial implications of education technology. At an ISTE press conference, Project RED summarized preliminary findings from Phase III of its research, which will culminate in a final report in early 2017. The current research builds on the initial study by analyzing three years of data from 17 districts identified as Signature Districts because they engaged successful education technology implementation models and their commitment to transforming learning with technology. Preliminary findings include:

1. Successful 1:1 digital conversions require a lot of planning, project management, and follow-through.

2. Increasing student voice and choice, paired with transformative uses of technology, can lead to excellent academic results.

3. Distributed leadership is important for sustainability and academic and financial ROI.

4. Real-time fidelity monitoring is a “must.”

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