Paperscorer Assessment App

Paperscorer Assessment App

Paperscorer is a great new mobile (iOS/Android, or Chrome plug-in) app that allows educators and students to assess their learning in real-time. Teachers create an assessment/quiz in Google Forms/Documents, then print out a unique answer form/bubble sheet for each student. The student then uses these forms to answer the question and take the assessment/quiz. Once the form is complete, the user can open the app on a mobile device and take pictures of the forms. Paperscorer will then grade the form/assessment and generate detailed reports. Also, Paperscorer will import student responses into a educator's Google account. This makes it ideal for teachers to differentiate instruction.

Features of Paperscorer:

  • saves time grading and assessing learning/quizzes/projects
  • generates detailed reports
  • improves quality and frequency of feedback
  • aids in differentiating instruction
  • ideal for a self-guided feedback or exit slips for students

Below is a brief demo:

I recommend checking out Paperscorer by clicking here.

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David Kapuler is an educational consultant with more than 10 years of experience working in the K-12 environment. For more information about his work, contact him at and read his blog at