Jon CastelhanoSocial Links Navigation Latest articles by Jon Castelhano Preparing for Back to School: Fall Showdown: Remote vs. Online By Jon Castelhano published 21 May 20 For back to school planning, Gilbert Public Schools is focusing on implementing what's been working during remote learning District Tools Soft Skills vs Tech Skills By Jon Castelhano published 22 August 18 Computer Science For AZ? By Jon Castelhano published 30 November 17 I often hear the question, why is CS important for our students, not all students are going to become coders. The State of Digital Citizenship By Jon Castelhano published 21 July 16 The Big Three is made up of three categories: infrastructure, devices, and professional development. The ISTE Blues By Jon Castelhano published 5 July 16 Like most of us returning from ISTE, you are probably experiencing the emotional roller coaster ride that accompanies the flight or drive home. The Big Four By Jon Castelhano published 2 May 16 Move Over Flair By Jon Castelhano published 26 February 16 A Tech Director's Reflection IV: Leading From The Middle By Jon Castelhano published 2 October 15 I truly believe that everyone can be a leader if they choose to be. A Tech Director's Reflection III: The Journey By Jon Castelhano published 28 September 15 The great thing about careers is that often we have no idea where our current jobsandexperiences will lead us in the future. A Tech Director's Reflection: A Typical Day By Jon Castelhano published 23 September 15 ISTE Gems! By Jon Castelhano published 10 July 15 The connections made during the conference are invaluable, but there is still a benefit with sharing the little gems with others who didn't attend. Full STEM Ahead By Jon Castelhano published 7 April 15 A Different View By Jon Castelhano published 5 February 15 If you think switching to something other than a Microsoft product now is tough, try doing it back in 2000, we switched top down to Star Office then, departments and all! How Many Times? By Jon Castelhano published 27 January 15 We must be careful not to assume just because kids are kids they know everything about technology. What the Techies Say By Jon Castelhano published 29 October 14 Believe the Hype! By Jon Castelhano published 30 July 14 ISTE 2014 may be one of, if not the, mosthyped educational conferences that I haveever attended. PARCC: Is This the Next Big Thing? By Jon Castelhano published 1 April 13 All of the new accountability can leave many educators feeling like they are pounding square peg pedagogy into round hole requirements. PARCC: Is This the Next Big Thing? By Jon Castelhano published 28 March 13 All of the new accountability can leave many educators feeling like they are poundingsquare peg pedagogy into round hole requirements. Tech & Learning NewsletterTools and ideas to transform education. Sign up below.* To subscribe, you must consent to Future’s privacy policy. MORE FROM TECH & LEARNING...16 Top Free Edtech Credentials 2New School Leader Starter Kit3Membean: How to Use It to Teach Vocabulary4Using Instructional Rounds As An Alternative to Traditional Professional Development5Edtech Show & Tell: February 2025 -- ISE, TCEA & More
Preparing for Back to School: Fall Showdown: Remote vs. Online By Jon Castelhano published 21 May 20 For back to school planning, Gilbert Public Schools is focusing on implementing what's been working during remote learning
Computer Science For AZ? By Jon Castelhano published 30 November 17 I often hear the question, why is CS important for our students, not all students are going to become coders.
The State of Digital Citizenship By Jon Castelhano published 21 July 16 The Big Three is made up of three categories: infrastructure, devices, and professional development.
The ISTE Blues By Jon Castelhano published 5 July 16 Like most of us returning from ISTE, you are probably experiencing the emotional roller coaster ride that accompanies the flight or drive home.
A Tech Director's Reflection IV: Leading From The Middle By Jon Castelhano published 2 October 15 I truly believe that everyone can be a leader if they choose to be.
A Tech Director's Reflection III: The Journey By Jon Castelhano published 28 September 15 The great thing about careers is that often we have no idea where our current jobsandexperiences will lead us in the future.
ISTE Gems! By Jon Castelhano published 10 July 15 The connections made during the conference are invaluable, but there is still a benefit with sharing the little gems with others who didn't attend.
A Different View By Jon Castelhano published 5 February 15 If you think switching to something other than a Microsoft product now is tough, try doing it back in 2000, we switched top down to Star Office then, departments and all!
How Many Times? By Jon Castelhano published 27 January 15 We must be careful not to assume just because kids are kids they know everything about technology.
Believe the Hype! By Jon Castelhano published 30 July 14 ISTE 2014 may be one of, if not the, mosthyped educational conferences that I haveever attended.
PARCC: Is This the Next Big Thing? By Jon Castelhano published 1 April 13 All of the new accountability can leave many educators feeling like they are pounding square peg pedagogy into round hole requirements.
PARCC: Is This the Next Big Thing? By Jon Castelhano published 28 March 13 All of the new accountability can leave many educators feeling like they are poundingsquare peg pedagogy into round hole requirements.