K-12 Digital solutions launched

McGraw-Hill Education has launched a series of K-12 products designed to meet schools’ growing demand for digital solutions. The products address four principal themes in educational technology: bookless learning and mobile devices, serious gaming, interactive whiteboard instruction and assessment solutions.CINCH™ Learning: An all-digital, cloud-based curriculum for K-12 math and 7-12 science that students can access on any tablet, computer or mobile device. Features include educational games and social networking elements, such as the ability to highlight content and spark a discussion that appears like a Facebook comment thread.

Developed in partnership with 360Ed, Spark! is a suite of online courses designed to engage students with rich-media content and an online network that encourages them to collaborate and explore. Spark! combines skill-based gaming, social networking, customizable lesson planning, a learning management system and on-demand professional development. Spark! will launch in August for high school biology and Algebra 1, with more math and science courses to follow.

College & Career Readiness: To address the problem of the growing number of students who are unprepared to enter college or the workforce, McGraw-Hill Education has created an all-digital program designed to promote post-secondary success. This product builds students’ knowledge of how to finance college, navigate the application process and choose a career path, and offers guidance from virtual mentors.

Acuity for High School: Acuity InFormative Assessment™ solution for high school helps teachers gauge student performance and deliver tailored instruction for every student. Acuity is Common Core aligned and contains four elements of a comprehensive assessment system: ongoing skills measurement, in-depth reporting, data analysis, and resources for individual instruction and intervention. The program will be available for classroom use beginning in September.

LAS Links Online is aK–12 English language proficiency assessment program that captures students’ spoken and written responses digitally, allowing teachers to score responses anytime, anywhere. LAS Links Online provides teachers with immediate access to diagnostic reports, as well as rubrics and exemplary responses to help ease the scoring process and promote professional development. The program will be available to all customers beginning in August.