Insight Education Group Awarded Educator Effectiveness Grant from U.S. DOE

Insight Education Group Awarded Educator Effectiveness Grant from U.S. DOE

Insight Education Group today announced that it has been awarded a Teacher and School Leader Incentive Program (TSL) Grant through the U.S. Department of Education. TSL funding will support Insight’s Empowering Educators to Excel (E3) program, a partnership which provides 47 schools across four states the opportunity to work together in a networked improvement community (NIC) context.

E3 will focus on the greatest school-related influencers on student achievement: the recruitment, development, and retention of teachers, teacher leaders, and principals. Educators will engage in a wide-range of wrap-around supports, including leadership academies, PLCs, and individual and peer coaching both face-to-face and virtual.

For more information on E3, visit