selected as top tech resource in NEA article

The National Education Association's "Guide to Money" asked the Educational Technology Guy—otherwise known as Dave Andrade, a high school teacher in Connecticut and author, to name his top three free tech tools, and made this list. Here are his picks:

Evernote offers a free account—it’s a great resource to take notes, clip information from the Internet, and help you stay organized. Keep your lesson plans and other notes here and access them from anywhere.

Google's Educational Tools
Google has Internet and educational searches, free blog and Web site hosting, and Google Docs. You’ll also find email, a calendar, and task lists that are helpful to educators and students alike.

Tech & Learning Magazine
This magazine has a huge number of resources, links, and articles about technology and education. There are news and how-to articles, blogs from ed tech leaders, and reviews of educational technology, along with other links and resources. Subscribe for free and choose to receive your copies electronically or in print.