Encyclopedia Now More Accessible

Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc., today announced an agreement with Bookshare to grant worldwide digital rights to its major reference collections. Bookshare is the world’s largest accessible online library for people with print disabilities.

The agreement will allow Bookshare to convert these 50 reference volumes from seven series into the latest DAISY 3.0 format (Digital Accessible Information System) and BRF (Braille Ready Format):

* Britannica Student Encyclopedia - for grade levels pre-K to 12
* Britannica Discovery Library - for early learners ages 4 to 6
* My First Britannica - for grades 4 and 5
* Learn and Explore: The American Presidency - for grades 6 to 12
* Learn and Explore: Earth’s Changing Environment - for grades 6 to 12
* New Views of the Solar System - for grades 6 to 12
* Britannica Book of the Year 2009 - for grades 6 to postsecondary

Many of the books include short stories and ‘Did You Know’ facts to stimulate students’ interests by grade level and age-appropriate content. For added learning support, mini-guides and glossaries provide vocabulary and definitions.

For more information, visit www.bookshare.org