ePals® adds Common Core support and classroom management, integrates collaboration products

ePals Corporation (TSX-V: SLN) today unveiled new and enhanced tools and resources for students, teachers and schools to support collaborative social learning. ePals’ new capabilities and expanded academic content include free self-directed student learning centers, new classroom management and Web 2.0 collaboration tools, and projects and resources that provide immediate support for teachers implementing the Common Core standards. Its Learn365™ platform now offers schools and districts an integrated solution for school-wide and district-wide collaboration and communication with access to community and content key to 21st century learning.

New to the ePals Global Community:

  • New student-focused learning centers on ePals.com facilitate individual exploration, inquiry and collaboration. For example, the “News Now” Center is a self-directed learning space where students can read, write, and share the latest news and current events with peers around the world.
  • A new series of projects challenges students to apply critical thinking and writing skills to collaboratively solve real world problems.
  • New online tools allow teachers to schedule, publish, assess and grade student assignments, create progress reports, and monitor student activity in real time across ePals projects and workspaces.
  • New informal professional development resources include the Common Core Implementation Center that helps educators find and share practical, ready-to-use collaborative projects and resources built for the Common Core, and the ePals EduBlog, a space where experts and teachers can share hints, tips and best practices with colleagues in the ePals community.

Educators, students and parents can join the Global Community for free at http://www.epals.com/join

New to ePals’ Learn365 Collaborative Learning Platform:

  • ePals’ Learn365, an Integrated Solution with nw e-mail and shared document services
  • Learn365 connects to a school’s SIS, automating the creation of collaborative groups at the classroom, school and district levels.
  • To learn more about ePals Learn365, visit http://www.epals.com/solutions