Knovation Conducts National Digital Content & Curriculum Survey

Knovation releases results of its 2014 National Digital Content & Curriculum Survey, which outlines the attributes of a K-12 digital curriculum strategy that are most important to educators.

The National Digital Content & Curriculum Survey, which compiled insights from 141 educators and administrators across 31 states, features information for districts on the selection, quality and rigor, organization and most important attributes of digital learning resources. Key implications for districts include:

  • Selection: Educators want to provide content that directly aligns with district initiatives, curriculum and state and Common Core standards.
  • Quality and Rigor: Ease of use is a top priority as districts select digital resources.
  • Organization: Districts need to implement products that provide high-quality digital resources that are aligned to the standards and curriculum documents they are using.
  • Attributes of Learning Objects: Digital content must provide both remediation and enrichment opportunities for students by embedding formative assessment within the learning resources.

All participants that completed the survey were involved in selecting and implementing digital resources within their district and/or developing their district’s curriculum strategy. To view the complete survey results, visit