Be Part of the Global Community

Do you speak several languages? Would you like to learn a different language? Now that you are part of the global community, have you thought about learning a new language? The Internet has a wealth of resources about learning or translating languages.

Check out the UniLang Community, an open source online language community where people interested in languages can unite, openly discuss, and find resources related to language(s), linguistics and translations. There are online courses, grammar references, vocabulary lists and dictionaries, pronunciation and script guides, phrasebooks, stories in different languages, interactive language resources, linguistic resources, and a daily language mall.

The best starting place to find language resources, including links to external sites is to use the "I want to learn a Language!" box on the main page, or by selecting "Show all by language" from the Resources menu. You will then be presented a page with all resources and links that correspond with the language you want to learn.

Here’s another site for quick language references: All Free Dictionaries Project, which offers a list of available dictionaries in 79 languages, A thesarus in five languages, the ability to download a dictionary with acronyms, idioms, GRE and SAT words, specialty resources, grammar, proverbs, quotations, and even jokes.

Next Tip: Interactive Activities Engage Students