Boost Positive Media Coverage

I want to bolster community support of our education technology program. Our Web site is an effective tool for reaching parents, but I think that media coverage would be a better vehicle for informing additional sectors of the community such as business owners or residents who do not have children enrolled at the school. Where should I begin?

It’s a good idea to distribute a press release to various media outlets to announce special events or share information about instructional programs, but don’t stop with just one. In its Education Leadership Toolkit, the National School Board Association suggests sending press releases in series of three. The first release is factual, explaining the ‘who’ and ‘what.’ Two weeks later send a second factual release that takes a slightly different angle, perhaps describing the ‘when,’ ‘where,’ and/or ‘how.’ Then follow up with a third release two weeks later that explains community benefits of the event or program.

This approach to media coverage builds interest over time and keeps the community well informed. Check with your district office to learn about policies and procedures for contacting the media. There may even be a staff member who can assist with writing and distributing releases.

Next Tip: Take a Walk in the ‘Other Guy’s’ Shoes