DC Schools Launch Improved Website

The new District of Columbia Public School’s (DCPS) Web site gives teachers, students and parents superior access and easier navigation to all offerings of the public education system.

Web site visitors should now be able to find what they’re looking for within three clicks or less. DCPS is also looking to add RSS feeds and social bookmarking so that users can directly receive information and easily revisit particular pages on the site.

Technology provider RCK Corp., CMS provider Opentext, and the Office of the Chief Technology Officer (OCTO), released the new site within the agreed- upon 90-day development and delivery period. The new CMS allows DCPS to edit and publish more efficiently and with less need for day-to-day OCTO assistance.

“I hope by now that all of you have discovered DC Public Schools’ new website, which is the first phase of a new website that better serves our parents, teachers, the DC community, and ultimately students,” said Chancellor Michelle Rhee. “As with every other aspect of this reform, I expect that this website- and the way we use it to inform, communicate with, and listen to our communities in order to support student achievement- will set a standard for other school districts.”