Diagnostic & Instruction Program Now With HS Diagnostic, Progress Monitoring

This August, i-Ready® Diagnostic & Instruction will include monthly Progress Monitoring assessments for grades K–8 and will expand diagnostic assessments through grade 12.

New Features

The new high school diagnostic items will cover both reading and mathematics. The new assessment items feature extensive use of compare and contrast, as well as multimedia items to reflect the increased rigor of the Common Core standards at the high school level. District and administrator reports generated within i-Ready will now include results through grade 12.

The new Progress Monitoring assessment tool for grades K–8 provides a global outcome measure for both reading and mathematics and will allow educators to intervene in student instruction without having to wait for the next diagnostic assessment. Each “mini-diagnostic” is approximately 15 minutes in length and can be administered monthly or more frequently as needed. The Progress Monitoring assessment measures growth on the same scale as the Diagnostic which means educators can see whether the student is on track to meet end-of-year expectations.

For more information, visit www.i-Ready.com/empower.