T&L News(85)

Week of: July 9, 2007

  • Students Immersed in Data
    Education students at Paul Quinn College are learning in a new state-of-the-art-classroom where flipcharts, data, video, and other digital information surround them on the walls.
  • Maryland Pilots Online Tests
    Roughly a third of all Maryland fifth-and eighth-graders took the science portion of the Maryland School Assessments online this year, with no major problems reported.
  • Summer School Goes Online
    Schools across the metropolitan Detroit area are going online to deliver summer school services, saving money and increasing program flexibility.
  • Gamers Do Less Reading and Homework
    New research indicates that boys who play video games read less, while girl gamers do less homework.
  • reCAPTCHA Helps Digitize Text
    A familiar Web security device is now being used to help correct problems that occur when printed text is digitized using Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology.