Wichita schools launch new web presence

As the largest school district in the state of Kansas with 94 schools and over 45,000 students, Wichita Public Schools makes communication a high priority. To that end, the district, partnered with SchoolFusion, has launched a new website offering easy-to-use content management, online calendars, Web 2.0 tools, and a safe and secure hosting solution.

“When I see newbies sitting beside digital natives in a SchoolFusion training session and observe both so enthused about what this product can do for their classroom, that’s when I know we have met the challenge of finding a truly robust and versatile product,” says Velma Davis, Instructional Support Specialist for Wichita Public Schools.

The website also gives each individual a personal dashboard that filters the information most relevant to him or her, including a message center keeping students, teachers and parents connected. Using SchoolFusion ensures the district a clean and professional Web presence across all 94 schools.

At the 2010 Site Technology Specialists (STS) Event in Wichita, Kansas, SchoolFusion President Stephen Shapiro spoke of the importance of what trainers mean to student success. In his speech, he highlights how the goal of the Wichita-SchoolFusion partnership is much more than to offer a next generation website solution. Instead, it’s to improve student achievement.

“We gain higher student achievement through parental involvement, expanding the learning window and helping teachers connect; all by integrating technology into the classroom,” said Shapiro.