Opportunities for Teacher Learning in School

Job-embedded professional development stimulates teachers to observe classroom events more carefully, assess their effectiveness thoughtfully, and share new insights. High-quality professional development often supports teachers in new and expanded roles as teacher leaders, peer advisors, and teacher researchers.

• Teacher leaders find and promote solutions to problems or build on ongoing work.
• Peer advisors can build trusting relationships with colleagues and draw on their knowledge of specific school contexts.
• Teacher researchers gather information, analyze experiences and events, and write about the issues and problems they confront in schools and classrooms.

Other groups may focus on improving classroom instruction by encouraging teachers to reflect on their experiences and share lessons learned with others. Learning to do a complicated job well requires constant attention, both in academic classrooms as well as through on-the-job practice. Job-embedded professional development constitutes a powerful advance in student learning.

P.D. Tips courtesy of Atomic Learning