The Computer Education Projects Book

Here’s an update about this. I’ve had enough responses to be able to write up some interesting interview-type posts (where I have permission to do so), but not really to compile them into a viable ebook. So I have decided to do what any rational person would do in this situation: resort to bribery! Read on to find out more.

I’ve compiled a document entitled “42 useful tools, apps and websites for Computer Education”, which consists of, erm, 42 useful tools, apps and websites for Computer Education. Most are free, some are not. It’s not definitive – how could it be? – but I think there is some good stuff there that will be pretty useful. I’ve chosen them because I’ve looked at all of them and decided they seemed OK.

Some of the resources linked to are in themselves collections of resources.

Anyway, to avail yourself of this stupendous resource, please complete the incredibly brief survey at Computer Education Projects Book form.

I have not set this up to send respondents the resource, which is in the form of a PDF, automatically. That is because I have learnt from the Amazing Web 2.0 Projects Book that loads of spam and other junk gets submitted. Mickey Mouse has already submitted the form 37 times. So, I should like to say that I will only respond to proper responses. That doesn’t mean War and Peace (I don’t have time to read long replies anyway), but it does mean doing a bit more than sending your email address and some random letters just to fill in the compulsory fields!

Anyway, thanks in advance, and remember: it’s all in a good cause, the sharing of ideas. New deadline is 23rd May 2014, which is Friday!

cross-posted at

Terry Freedman is an independent educational ICT consultant with over 35 years of experience in education. He publishes the ICT in Education website and the newsletter “Digital Education."