Engineering Tool Offers Wide Array of Classroom Challenges

Engineering Tool Offers Wide Array of Classroom Challenges

App of the Day picks are selected from the top edtech tools reviewed by Common Sense Education, which helps educators find the best ed-tech tools, learn best practices for teaching with tech, and equip students with the skills they need to use technology safely and responsibly.

Title: Curiosity Machine
Summary: Kids build, share, receive pro feedback with awesome engineering site

Pros: Nothing beats the real-world connections, true design process, and pro support built into the site’s easy-to-use interface.
Cons: Teachers may miss some classroom capabilities (student account oversight) and lesson support (topic search engine, NGSS alignment, more content).
Bottom Line: Though it may not be an instant fit for your classroom, the exceptional quality of the site’s projects and processes makes it worth any problem solving.

Read more here.

By Common Sense Education