Additio LMS Provides Big Picture on Student Progress

Additio screenshot with positive and negative behavior chart for students
(Image credit: Additio)

Flexible, feature-filled LMS facilitates focus on whole child

Pros: By using its Groups feature and integrating with Google Classroom, it's easy for teachers to see student progress and keep families informed.

Cons: The number of features and lack of design polish means teachers will have to tinker a lot ot get up and running.

Bottom Line: Being able to access lots of customizable data, group students beyond classes, and communicate easily with families gives teachers a clear picture of each student that they can share.

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App of the Day picks are selected from the top edtech tools reviewed by Common Sense Education, which helps educators find the best ed-tech tools, learn best practices for teaching with tech, and equip students with the skills they need to use technology safely and responsibly. 

By Common Sense Education

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(Image credit: Common Sense Media)