Free trial, training program for classroom technology

ELMO USA Corporation announces its 30-day free trial and training of ELMO 21st Century education technologies for K-12 school teachers and district administrators. The ELMO “Use it, Love it” program will begin February 6, 2012.

Available for trial:

  • ELMO’s new Classroom VISION bundled system, which provides teachers and students a “hand-held, hands-on” platform to learn and create in the digital medium. The Classroom VISION bundle includes ELMO’s newest interactive document camera, the TT-12, as well as the popular ELMO CRA-1 wireless tablet.
  • True Interactive Document Camera, the TT-12, which offers 12x optical zoom, multi-directional camera positioning, as well as audio and video recording capability.
  • Interactive Writing Pad, the CRA-1 Wireless Tablet, which allows teachers to annotate live images as well as online educational materials.