SIIA Education Division Calls for Participants in 2012 Vision K-20 Survey

The Software & Information Industry Association (SIIA) announces the opening of its fifth annual Vision K-20 Survey. Sponsored by the organization’s Education Division, the Vision K-20 Survey gives educators, administrators, and faculty members from K-12 and postsecondary educational institutions the opportunity to evaluate their current technology use in a short, online survey. A new addition to the survey asks respondents to identify what they judge to be the “ideal” scenario for technology use.

Focusing on goals outlined in SIIA’s K-20 Vision roadmap—21st Century tools, accessibility, differentiated learning, assessment tools, and enterprise support—schools, districts, two-year colleges, four-year colleges, and universities will be able to use the Vision’s benchmarks to document their progress. Survey takers can return to the survey periodically to evaluate their progress toward the Vision for K-20 education. SIIA member organizations worked together to develop the Vision K-20 initiative as a guide for educational institutions to implement technology district-wide and campus-wide.

To learn more about this initiative, and to participate in the 2012 Vision K-20 Survey, visit