ISTE 2013 News: MimioStudio platform, MimioMobile app updated

Mimio has updated two products in its MimioClassroom™ family of interactive teaching technologies for collaborative learning and ongoing formative assessment. Launched this week at ISTE 2013, the MimioMobile™ 2 mobile application and MimioStudio™ 11 classroom software will be available for download in early September.

New MimioStudio

The platform for creating and presenting interactive lessons on all MimioClassroom™ products, MimioStudio software now allows students to practice for open-response test items in the upcoming CCSS assessments using mobile devices equipped with the MimioMobile app. The software allows teachers to create open-response, short-essay, and numeric-response assessment questions. The software also automatically grades multiple-choice, short-answer, and numeric responses.

New MimioMobile

While the previous version of the MimioMobile app works on the iPad, the new version also works on iPod Touch devices, iPhones (4 and up), and Android phones and tablets. Once equipped with the app, various mobile devices can work in concert for collaborative learning opportunities, as well as for formative assessment.

The MimioStudio Collaborate feature lets up to nine students collaborate on a MimioStudio activity using any mix of new MimioPad tablets and mobile devices running the MimioMobile app. Each individual collaboration space is shown on the interactive whiteboard at the front of the classroom. Teachers can hand off control of the interactive whiteboard to any mobile device equipped with the app, and can unilaterally retake control.

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