New Odysseyware Experience Launches at FETC 2014

The new Odysseyware 2014 will be unveiled at FETC 2014 in Orlando.

Odysseyware's redesigned UI is now more intuitive and feature-driven. In addition to being the portal to Odysseyware's complete 3-12 courseware, CTE curriculum and assessment & remediation tools, the UI features a new "notes" tool for enhanced student-teacher communication; day-planning functions to boost productivity; and enhanced flexibility to suit different learning styles. It's designed for the 21st-century classroom, with mobile usage in mind.

New Courseware
Odysseyware recently added "Introduction to Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources" and "Introduction to Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics." There are also 14 additional AG and STEM courses slated for introduction in early 2014.

For more information about Odysseyware, visit