

Vernier celebrates 30 years with $300,000 in tech grants

To celebrate its 30th anniversary, Vernier Software & Technology is providing 30 grants to ten elementary or middle schools, ten high schools, and ten college or university science departments to honor the important work that science teachers do every day. Each recipient will receive $10,000 worth of the Vernier technology equipment of their choosing.

Deadline: June 1, 2011


Calypso Be Heard School Grant

The Calypso School First Foundation 2011 Be Heard School Grant recognizes the importance of hearing and being heard in the classroom. Four grants will be awarded to institutions across the United States and Canada. One campus-level grant will provide 30 SoundPost classroom portable voice-amplification systems. E ach of three other schools will receive a gradelevel grant consisting of three SoundPost systems.

Deadline: May 20, 2011
