PARCC Becomes a Non-Profit

The Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) today announced the formation of a new non-profit organization to oversee the development of its next generation assessments. To date, PARCC has been a consortium of states with no legal status; under its new non-profit status, PARCC will become its own legal entity as a 501(c)(3). Launching the non-profit is the first step in the process to ensuring the PARCC assessment system can be sustained in the long term and beyond the U.S. Department of Education's Race to the Top Assessment grant period which ends in September 2014.

PARCC will continue to be state led. The new non-profit will be governed by a Board of Directors comprised of PARCC state chiefs. The current PARCC Governing Board will retain all decision-making authority for the development of the PARCC assessment system through the end of the grant.

PARCC's top priority is successful and on-time development of assessments in grades 3-8 and high school. For more information, visit