PD Key To Stem Funding

From the 2010 Survey of science and STEM leaders conducted by IESD, Inc., in collaboration with STEM market expert Daylene Long:

1. Professional development (PD) was a funding priority for most STEM leaders and was perceived currently to be insufficient.

2. A majority of respondents projected an increase in technology-delivered STEM PD and a decrease in faceto- face STEM PD.

3. STEM leaders wanted technology tools that would support hands-on science.

4. Most STEM leaders thought that simulation software should be used in conjunction with hands-on activities rather than instead of such activities.

5. A majority of STEM educators thought it was somewhat or very unlikely that eBook readers would be widely adopted in the next five years.

The full report may be found here: www.sellingtoschools.com/products/ education-market-researchstem- education