Preparing the Room for the Videoconference

You can set up the room and create an environment that makes your videoconference successful.

  • Do a test call to ensure equipment compatibility.
  • Make sure your background color is neutral.
  • Get rid of any clutter such as paper, wires, writing on a board, painting or a map behind you that might distract during the conference.
  • Be careful of any reflection from a glass or whiteboard that could affect how your visitors see you.
  • Do not point cameras toward a window.
  • If you are the only person on your end, aim the camera for a good head and shoulder shot with your eyes in the top third of the screen.
  • If there are two or more people, set the camera so everyone is visible.
  • With a large group, it is best to have two cameras.
  • Remove empty chairs.
  • Increase the lighting as much as possible.
  • Practice using and muting the microphone.

This tip and the next few tips were adapted from CILC and ideas from a few of my friends.

Submitted by:Barbara Bray

Next Tip: Preparing, Presenting, and Participating